19 December, 2006

December 19

Here are half of the interns (and a staff worker's son) at my site, working at the Christmas party thrown for the kids.

Yes, I managed to mess up premade cookies. The cookie sheet was too wide so I just slanted it to put it in the oven. Didn't know they'd all migrate together. Gravity's a bitch, eh?

I told him to leave that poor horse alone, but Goat insisted on molesting putting the finishing touches on the rocking horse he built for his nephew.

Goat's mom shipped a rice krispy treat menorah from Boston for Hanukkah....

04 December, 2006

OK, so I barely made it a month, eh? Taking a photo-a-day is harder than I thought. I really like being in the habit of having my camera with me all the time though. So I'm going to keep shooting, trying to post more random "Life in LA" shots, of people I know and places I go, just easing off on the daily quota and seeing what happens.

December 3

OK, OK, beach season ended this week. I'll stop torturing you with pictures of people playing on the beach in 75-degree weather.

December 2

Anybody else hoping that plastic tag is in just hanging in the wrong section?

December 1

Plastic Camo flip flops: $45
Making fun of $45 plastic flip-flops of a similar quality to those I could get at the 99-cent store: Priceless

November 27

This is the intern room at my practicum site. Note how incredibly roomy and spacious it is with five of us in there... now imagine 9 of us (the MFT interns) trying to share two computers on work days, and 16 of us (the MFTs and the PsyD interns) trying to store our crap and check our messages on Monday when we all come in for training. Now aren't you glad you've got that whole cubicle to yourself?

November 26

Somebody give this kid an "A" for effot. And hairstyle. That's another thing about LA... parents aren't allowed to be unhip, and your kids are an extension of your hipness (btw, I may make fun of LA parents, but you know I will succumb to the pressure and have my kids listening to Vigilantes of Love and wearing Chacos before they can walk).