31 October, 2006

October 31 - circa 1979

In honor of Halloween... here's a lo-fi shot (of the TV) of a scene from our Super-8 home movies. Getting them transferred to DVD was a birthday gift to our parents from my brother and I, but their birthdays were this summer and so it's looking like a Christmas gift now. Anyhow, the DVD arrived on Monday and I relived 1972-79 tonight.

October 30

Floating gummy bears. Well, floating in Lemon Sorbet, which you can't see because my flash went off. Gummy Goodness courtesy of Cold Stone.

29 October, 2006

October 29

The beach Ultimate time-out. Did I mention it's still 75 degrees at the beach in late October?

28 October, 2006

October 28

JJ, my downstairs neighbor

27 October, 2006

The bit where I explain myself

This is the beginning of an ambitious project for me... ambitious because I tend to live in short-attention-span theater most of the time, and the idea of taking a photo a day for a year is daunting. Daunting enough, actually, that I think I'll try it for a month and see how it goes.

The goal is to have a damn good excuse here in grad school to get my head out of my rear and start paying attention to the world around me, and to have a reason to be beholden to my camera again, which has, sadly, been sorely neglected over the past 15 months, with the odd exception of the occasional wedding to help pay the bills. But I miss seeing life that way, through a lens, framed in 35mm proportions. So, hey, I don't promise brilliant photography here but I do promise to try to dish up a bit of my LA life, and more often than not, try to find an interesting perspective on it.

If I took more than one a day, you can find 'em here, on Flickr.